Saturday 31 December 2016

If You Want To Be Happy Here Are 4 Things You Should Stop Doing in 2017.

Happy New Year :) If you have read any of my previous posts then you will probably realise that I haven’t posted for almost a year. I am happy with the decision I made to take time to myself, to accumulate more wisdom triggered by my experiences to share with you. I feel like my last post was great. It had a very helpful message which left me with nothing more to say for a while. I had to undergo my own journey of personal growth. I feel like I am ready to share more wisdom with you here on Helloworld:). Authentic wisdom, ideas that I am truly thinking and exploring in my day to day life as I write.

Today’s post will be about how you can truly be happier. If you have read it, I have a previous post called ‘How to be happier right now in 13 simple steps’. That was a step by step guide, 13 tips on things you could do in the moment. This post is going to focus more on tips to help you achieve happiness through your mind set. Remember when I said Step 12 was to ‘Overcome moods and challenges’. Then I expanded saying ‘Every time you continue to be happy, despite a misfortune you become an overall happier person. The way to do this is, to believe you can. You are in control of yourself and you can think outside of negative circumstances, situations and people.’ For this post I am going to expand on this point because this point is key. I have expanded in listing 4 things you should stop doing in order to be happy this year : 

1) Don't let anything ruin your life. In life challenges are unavoidable, they are a frequent occurrence. To guarantee your happiness you need to commit to it. You need to say to yourself, 'even if the worst happens I will find a way to pick myself up and be happy again'. Your happiness needs to be unconditional, reliant on nobody, not a far off destination that you hope to reach in the future. If you refuse to let any negative circumstance ruin your happiness for good, then nothing can keep you down. You may get down at times that is normal, but you should never stay down.

2) Don’t worry if what used to make you happy no longer makes you happy. In life we have evolving needs and wants it normal, so don’t freak out if you find yourself no longer satisfied by things that previously satisfied you. This could just be a sign that you need to make a change and try something new, for example take on new hobby or a new venture. Be adaptable to change, because that is to be well suited to a life where things are constantly changing. Remember the priceless advice, if you don’t like something change it, and if you can’t change it, then change your attitude towards it. The way you think about life is key so, look on the Brightside and learn to dance in the rain.

3) Don’t constantly ask yourself if you are happy. When you know something is true you don’t question it. Questions create doubt and questioning your own happiness can begin to cause you the unnecessary confusion that comes with over analysing your life. This is especially important when you are going through a hard time. For example a break up. This is when you need to not question your happiness because obviously you are emotional as you are in a transitioning period of your life. You are going through a temporary feeling of loss and uncertainty so waking up every morning thinking am I happy? Then proceeding to ask why does my life suck? Is not going to help you, my friend. It is better to just move towards feeling better every single day.   

4) Don’t assume that other people are happier than you because you honestly don’t know. I can relate this to many examples, but let me just take one. Single people assuming that people in relationships are happier than them. This is a common occurrence despite this evidently not being true, I mean look at the divorce rate! Yes for many the beginning of a relationship may be full of fun, excitement and happiness. But for that to continue for a lifetime? Well that really depends on the person. If you are single and unhappy, then being in a relationship will not make you happy in the long run, because nothing can make you happy. Happiness is an inside job.  

The only thing that can give you lasting happiness is choosing to be happy in the long term. Yes. This means waking up every morning and deciding to be happy. Going to bed every night still having decided to be happy. Deciding to have sweet dreams. Deciding to wake up and smile that you have received the gift of life, for yet another day. If you are not currently happy then choosing happiness, something you need to work on. Investing in your happiness is the most worthwhile investment you will ever make. Happiness is achievable for all and it all starts with the willingness to shift your mind set to create a happier life.

Thank you for reading my post and feel free to check out my other posts if you haven't all ready.
If you would like to contact me for free advice, to ask questions, comment on my blog or recommend a topic for me to explore in my next post feel free to leave me an email. at:

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I look forward to hearing from you :)

Sunday 24 January 2016

Read this if you feel hurt, broken or tramatised.

Let me tell you a story about what I've experienced. What alot of us have, for this story I will use the metaphor of a house to describe how we relate to our lives. This is for anyone who's ever felt hurt or violated beyond repair.

You live in a house that's perfect for you. It's cosy warm and comfortable, you take pride in your house. It's special because it belongs to you. One day you are bored and you decide you need to be more sociable, more open. So you decide to throw a house party. You invite everyone you know. You consider them all friends. They show up and the house is full, the music is loud and everyone seems to be having fun. All of a sudden these people start trashing your house. They think it's fun. You tell them to stop and nobody listens. They smash your windows, damage your furniture, break your kitchen wear and say horrible things about your house. Finally someone starts pouring oil and trying to set your house on fire. That's when enough is enough and you finally drive these awful people, who you thought were your friends out of your life. When they are all gone and the house is empty you are in shock. You can't believe what just happened, your house is completely trashed and you are left all alone to clean it by yourself. You feel hurt traumatised, betrayed. You feel like it's your fault. If you hadn't thrown a party and invited so many people, your house wouldn't be ruined.
You try to explain how you feel. "It can't be that bad. I'm sure you can replace the furniture" says your neighbour. Your other neighbour says "oh my god that's terrible, I don't know how you can live in that house. If that was me I would move."

Bottom line is your still living in your house. You notice that the people around you are still talking about it. "Oh my god! Did you hear what happened in that house?" They Chatter. You realise that none of these people can truly understand, what it's like to be in your shoes and be in your house. No one cares about your house as much as you do. You realise that even though your house is damaged, it is not ruined. It will take a long time to fix but you love your house and not only are you going to fix it. But you are going to renovate, to the point where your house is better that it ever was before. Your neighbours may doubt you, but you love and believe in your house and you are going to live in it, for the rest of your life.

It is easy to decide not to let anyone in, but after a while you become lonely again. Your house is looks better, but there is still some damage. Since that day you haven't really let anyone back in. No matter what you do, your house will never be exactly the same as it was before.
One day you decide that you will let a few people into your house. You take caution and let them know that they need to respect your house. They take their shoes off at the door. Everything is going fine until they accidently spill drinks on you floor. You get upset and tell them to leave while your start cleaning. "We are sorry" they tell you and they clean up their own mess. Your floor is good as new, when they leave. "Wow" you think to yourself "that's the first time someone has come to my house and cleaned up their own mess." The next day they come back with gifts. "We thought you would like a new lamp for your house" they grin. You are so excited, maybe your not alone, maybe there's people in the world, who do understand you. Who respect your house and love it almost as much as you do. They may make mistakes, but nothing is deliberate. They always find a way to fix it and make it up to you.

These are the type of people you are going to let in your house from now on. People who care and when they aren't around. Well, then you are just going to look after your house and enjoy it by yourself, because no one can love your house, better that you can and you can't let just anyone in. Your house is you and you are your house.

Even if it feels like your life is falling apart. You can always build yourself back up. Never accept defeat in the long term. x


Thursday 7 January 2016

Sharing your creativity

...and allowing others to do the same 

Anyone who has looked at my last post, will realise that my last post is a song that I wrote. This may seem random, however I made my blog so that I could freely express myself. As you can see and hear (lol) I am not a professional. I do not make beats, my sound recorder is not the best quality and I don't have a studio. So why don't I get all of those things? Because I don't want to! (Yes, I did just start a sentence with because, my English teacher would be so upset).  Anyone can take singing lessons, have someone write their lyrics and make their beats while they sing in the best recording studio and top it off with auto tune, while everyone claps for them. (Not trying to bash any musicians by the way.)  For some reason when people hear you sing and write songs, they automatically assume that you want to be famous. Clearly If I wanted to be famous for singing, I would not put out anything that sounded Unprofessional. Singing and song writing help me to express my emotions and relieve stress. People also think they can pass judgement on my songs, for that same reason. This is one reason why I like writing, because narrow minded people can't be bothered to read my blog. Lol.

P.S. Thank you to all of my readers by the way, I enjoy getting your feedback, mostly on my twitter : 
I believe people should express their creativity, not because it will lead to financial profit, but for themselves. People need to be less judgemental when it comes to looking at other peoples work, in order to become less judgemental of themselves.  
For some reason people think that if they like singing, acting, fashion ect, that it has to line up with the media's interpretation of what is good and what sells. I'm here to tell you that you can create things just for fun, you don't have to sell it. I am sure there are soo many people out there who have given up something they found fun, just because other people didn't see them as being good at it. It's GREAT to do things purely for your own enjoyment. You never know, you might even start a new trend. Never try and put someone down, because you don't like their work. That's like saying, you don't approve of the things that make them happy.
I have never disliked a YouTube video in my life. I don't even know why there is a dislike button. You may be thinking if someone post something on the internet, then it's open to everyone's judgement. You can think what you want, but if it's something hurtful don't say it. I have seen videos that didn't make sense to me, but I didn't dislike or comment. Why should I leave negativity on someone else's page or video. It may not mean anything to me, but it will mean a lot to them. Making videos and blog posts are time consuming. Are you really going to say, that a person should give up their self expression ? Just because you don't like it. Just because it took you one second to press dislike and two seconds to post a rude comment. Well done. If you don't like someone's YouTube channel, don't watch it. Watch things that you do like. Create some thing for yourself. 'But celebrities get hate', you might argue. Yes and that's wrong and it's sad, but that being said, some do make just as much money from being hated, as they do from being liked. The rest of us mere mortals who do not intend to be fully thrown into the public eye, would prefer to be left alone.
I think everyone should share their creativity regardless of how they think their work will be received. The Internet is a great place to do that.

P.s. Dear school art teacher, you may not have liked my drawings but I still draw, ha, ha. Lol. I refuse to be put into a box!
My half completed element drawing, still thinking about what to draw for earth. Yes that's me in fire because I'm a Sagittarius.

Bottom line is we shouldn't let the media industry or people around us, make us feel like our work and hobbies aren't valuable and should remain hidden, if they aren't typically what sells or what is viewed as popular. Each of us have creative ideas and inspiration we should be able to express, even without the intension of making money or gaining popularity. We should feel free to be authentic, instead of moulding ourselves and our creations, to appeal to the wants of others in order to gain their approval. Give yourself the stamp of approval.