Sunday 8 November 2015

How to be happier right now. (In 13 simple steps)

Step 1: Find music that makes you feel happy and excited. there is a lot of catchy, meaningful, and good music in the world. However a lot of them may have sad, angry or offensive lyrics. I'm not saying only listen to clean lyrics. But song lyrics really can influence your behaviour and outlook on life. This is why it is important to make sure that most songs you listen to, are songs that really make you feel good. Music that inspires you and really makes you feel happy about life. Therefore next time you've had a bad day you can put in your headphones and zone out while listening to cheerful, uplifting and happy music.
Step 2: Write a gratitude list: Write a list of 10 great things that have happened in the day. Or the week if you are struggling. Try and do this often, even daily to make sure that you are aware of what you have to be grateful for. Give thanks for the little things. Just the fact that you woke up this morning is a cause for celebration.
Step 3: Get creative. It doesn't matter whether you do something that you're good at or not, just do something. Draw, write a song, poem, short story. Do something that will capture your imagination. If you're struggling for inspiration then try step 4 first.
Step 4: Watch a movie, something that will open your mind. Fantasy may be the best bet for getting your imagination going. Comedy if you want something that's going to make you smile/ laugh. Don't be afraid to watch a kids/family movie as they seem to always leave a smile on everyone's face.
Step 5: Exercise, go out, play a sport, go to the gym. Perhaps do some yoga or put on some music and dance around your house. Once you've got you heart rate up your mood should go up with it. The key is to just do activities that you enjoy. Make exercise about fun, above all else.        
Step 6: Get out of your house don't stay at home for too long. Get out and about, go to the park if its not raining, go and explore an area that you've never been to. Go over to your friends houses, go for a walk or to the cinema. Don't stay at home for extended periods of spare time. why ? when there's so much to do. You could even do some volunteer work,  to get more involved in your community and meet new people. Spend time in nature, find a nice park or head to the countryside. Sit in the grass and relax while listening to the birds sing.
Step 7: Have a morning routine. get up a bit earlier in the morning so you can prepare for the day. Listen to music, groom your self, exercise. Write a to do list. Do whatever you want really. When you wake up earlier you don't have to rush, so you can ease into your day rather than throw yourself into it.

Step 8: Groom yourself, of course everyone grooms themselves in the basic sense.  Spending a little more time to make sure you look great, can really boost your confidence. This however doesn't mean you should judge yourself and compare yourself to other people based on looks. But when you like what you see when you look in the mirror you will probably feel more confident throughout the day. Take time to pick out your clothes. When it comes to hair most people feel most confident when their hair is out of their faces. Therefore I would advise that people with long hair keep their hair out of their faces. There are many ways to do this. You don't have to tie it all up.
Step 9: Drink water and eat good food. don't skip breakfast. This is important.
Step 10: Stand tall, smile and be nice to others. Even if your not having the best day or feeling so good. Smiling and being kind to others will help you lift your spirits, rather than treating people badly because you aren't in a good mood. However if something really is bothering you then it could help to talk about this with somebody you trust.
Step 11: Tidy and de clutter your surroundings. Personally my surroundings reflect my mood. If i'm stressed and confused my possessions will be scattered and when I de-stress then I will tidy. When trying to unwind and de-stress or simply lift your mood, it can be very useful to clean and de clutter your surroundings. I usually do this while singing or listening to music so it seems less of a chore. When you take your time to look after you possesions and clear surroundings then this can really calm your mind, helping you to think more clearly.
Step 12: Overcome moods and challenges. Every time you continue to be happy, despite a misfortune you become an over all happier person. The way to do this is, to believe you can. You are in control of yourself and you can think outside of negative circumstances, situations and people.

Step 13: Always remember BALANCE: Do the opposite of what is making you feel unhappy. If you feel too busy then stop, take time out and relax. If you are bored get busy, find something to keep you busy.


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